The CNC TRAINING CENTER is open to all those who desire to pursue a career as a skilled craftsmen - operators - programmers CNC machine tools, regardless of prior or not engaging with the object, the possession or non- university qualification, age and gender.
Skilled craftsmen - handlers - programmers CNC machine tools are nowadays in demand. Nevertheless, the availability of CNC professionals is limited and much lower than the corresponding actual demand observed in the labor market, not only in Greece but throughout Europe.
This gap is created due to the creation, evolution and rapid deployment of new technologies in recent decades - such as the technology CNC (Computerized Numerical Control) - which in turn created the need for the respective Specialty technical - technological professions, while training programs, especially in our country, failed to follow and adapt accordingly their content in modern practical needs of the new era.
Moreover, new people - usually because of misinformation or lack of adequate information - have gained a false perception of the technical - technological professions as poorly paid, unstable, low social status and depressive.
In reality, the opposite is true, since a modern CNC specialist practitioner:
- By using advanced CNC machines and software has the opportunity to study, design and manufacture components of high precision and complexity for high-tech products or prototypes that could be applied to Research and Development of various faculties, offering high added value to Science.
- Has a permanent , stable and well-paid job because the demand of specialized CNC professionals is far greater than the supply and unemployment rates in the industry is zero , both in Greece and Europe.
- Has the ability to develop in the future his/hers own business manufacturing components, molds, prototypes and products with CNC machinery given that the acquisition of operating activity is desirable.
Necessary perequisites for the successful career of a skilled CNC professional, is the real enthousiam for the object of study, for designing and thus, for material processing using advanced CNC machine tools in conjunction with continuous effort for development and success.